Dental Crowns in Townsville

Support Your Teeth With Same-Day Crowns, Inlays And Onlays

CEREC technology allows us to design and create bespoke crowns, inlays and onlays while you wait.

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Cosmetic Dentistry in TownsvilleA dental crown will replace extensively broken down teeth and prevent them from breaking any further. A crown will protect, strengthen and brace a tooth. It will hold it together and allow many more years of trouble free dentistry.

Strategic teeth such as your first molars, that have had extensive amalgam dentistry are at risk of collapsing and breaking the tooth. An amalgam is a very strong restoration but in an extensively restored tooth will lead to failure. Hence placement of a crown over the tooth will preserve vital tooth structure and prevent failure.

Often these procedures can be completed in one appointment with the use of our CEREC machine. This allows chair side fabrication of the ceramic crown and bonding to the tooth in one visit. The CEREC machine allows us to restore otherwise normal fillings with inlays and onlays which can preserve the tooth longer than a conventional tooth coloured resin filling. Again this is complete in one appointment.

To find out more about Cerec 3D, please call Casey Dentists on 07 4801 7035 today.

Dental Equipment
Sleep Dentistry Options

Sleep Dentistry Options

For our nervous or anxious patients, we now have various sleep dentistry options available including:

✔ Oral Sedation
✔ Happy Gas (Nitrous Oxide)
✔ General Anaesthesia

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